
The owner of Helping Hands Personal Care Home comes from a nursing background, and therefore issues of hygiene and infection control are a priority at Helping Hands. This is our residents’ Home, and it is of paramount importance that all areas of the home are clean and free from germs and bacteria as much as possible at all times.

  • Thorough cleaning of the home is done on a daily basis
  • Four washrooms are available, decreasing the number of people utilizing each washroom
  • All washrooms are disinfected daily, or more often if necessary
  • Bathtubs are disinfected immediately after each use
  • Each area of the home is deep cleaned on a rotating basis
  • Garbage is emptied 3 times daily or more often if necessary
  • Incontinence products are always double bagged and taken outside to the garbage bin immediately
  • All linoleum floors are cleaned and disinfected daily
  • All linens which are used by more than one resident are cleaned with hot water and bleach to kill germs each time they are laundered

The staff at Helping Hands have been instructed on hygienic practices and are expected to uphold the highest standards of cleanliness. They ensure that infections and germs are never transferred from one resident to another by following our policies:


  • Staff wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after working with each resident, as well as after using the washroom, after handling garbage, and before handling medications
  • Homemaking staff have completed a Safe Food Handling Course through the Regina Health District which has trained them in safe preparation of food for the residents as well as hygienic practices for working in the kitchen
  • All staff use gloves when performing personal care tasks with residents which may involve body fluids; this policy is called Universal Precautions and is enforced at all times
  • All staff use masks during personal care if they have any illness such as a cold or a cough
  • Staff are encouraged to receive flu vaccinations each fall
  • Staff may use gowns and gloves during personal care or the cleaning of a particular resident room if that resident is suspected of having a communicable illness
  • Staff ensure that residents who appear ill with a serious communicable illness are quarantined to their rooms until they are either cleared of the illness or no longer a health threat to the other residents
Regina Helping Hands Care Home and Homecare Services

Helping in Regina / Offices

226 Hansen Drive
Regina SK S4X 2Y6
306-545-7733 / Fax 545-7738
Grenfell Helping Hands Care Home and Homecare Services

Helping in Grenfell

710 Stella Street
Grenfell SK
Click Here To Email


Helping Hands Care Group: Quality Care and Quality Caring

Care homes & homecare services in Regina and rural Saskatchewan

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