Palliative Care
Residents at Helping Hands who require Palliative Care can receive this in a home setting that is as non-medicalized as possible. The following services, in addition to all services offered to all other residents, are available to our Palliative Residents:
- Effective Pain Management
- Management of Palliative Symptoms such as agitation, etc
- Informal Family Counseling and Information
- Pressure Sore Prevention and Management
- Management of nausea related to illness and/or medications
- Clergy visits and involvement if desired
- 24 hour per day Visitation by Family if desired
- Involvement and Consultations with our Palliative Specialist Registered Nurse
- Liasoning with Resident’s Physician
- If required, Assistance with Tasks after the death of the resident regarding contacting and working with a funeral home, etc

Helping in Regina / Offices

Helping in Grenfell
710 Stella Street
Grenfell SK
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